Data Compliance

Sharing Data to Safeguard Children

At the beginning of the year the Information Commissioner’s Office launched a campaign called ‘Think. Check. Share.’ in partnership with education, law enforcement and social service organisations to raise awareness about responsible data sharing to protect children from harm. This followed on from a 10-step practical guide outlining how organisations can safely and lawfully share …

To Keep or Not to Keep

Baby boomers like myself tend to hoard clothes. We were born in a time during the postwar era when new clothes were a luxury and people saved their good clothes for Sundays when they would wear their “Sunday Best”. I remember sowing my laddered tights! It was definitely not the disposable society we have today. …

Data Protection for Educational Visits

Educational Visit Checklist Venue Booked - CHECK Permission Slips Received - CHECK Bus Booked - CHECK Printed emergency contact sheets containing far too much personal information including special category data - CHECK It’s an all-too-familiar scenario, a process which has been used countless times within schools up and down the country. School trips are organised …

The Name’s Protection... Data Protection

Whilst watching Daniel Craig’s final outing as James Bond, my mind wandered as I reflected on the distinct parallels between our chosen professions.  The game’s Protection, Data Protection. I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve had to infiltrate a hollowed-out volcano lair whilst simultaneously dealing with Subject Access Requests with time fuses set …

Data Protection Update

There’s a growing awareness of the impact on individuals when personal information is used in a way that people wouldn’t reasonably expect and It’s been clear for some time that individuals don’t trust organisations with their personal information. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) applied from May 2018 and brought into focus the ways in …

Subject Access Requests should we be scared?

The current data protection regime in Europe is the most rigorous in the world. Individuals have been granted greater control over their personal information than ever before. As expected, data subjects are now exercising their rights following awareness campaigns by the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO). Arguably, the greatest challenge for schools stems from the right …