
How Secure is Your School Website?

Website hacking is an issue for all websites, not just big corporations, banks and government departments. We often see articles in the media about hackers making targeted attacks on large companies and governments to steal money and information or for ideological reasons (known as hacktivism) but schools, individuals and small organisations are also at threat …

IT Security: Top tips

This Guest Editorial is by Jamie Charlton, Sales Director of Sharp Business Systems UK. As technology continues to advance, and as schools and students become increasingly more dependent on internet-ready devices, cybercrime is becoming more difficult to both deal with, and avoid. The Department for Education now specifies that school managers, governors, and head teachers …

Data Protection Update

There’s a growing awareness of the impact on individuals when personal information is used in a way that people wouldn’t reasonably expect and It’s been clear for some time that individuals don’t trust organisations with their personal information. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) applied from May 2018 and brought into focus the ways in …

Is your school brand strong enough?

Modern Problems in a digital landscape Amongst the many challenges that schools face, one which has evolved significantly since digital advancements is the way in which prospective parents and employees engage with your school. Before we were able to swing open our laptops and ‘Google’ any organisation at the press of a button, parents and …

Facts always help reduce the venom of a dispute

This Guest Editorial is led by Richard Clarke. Richard is the Manager Director of Leverstock Limited, providing specialist telecommunication and IT solutions to the education sector. We are in an ever-changing world of technology, attitudes, compliance and parents that know best thanks to Google. The task for teachers and headteachers to remain in control of …

Where is our future society heading

What will our future child need (and want) to learn? When we came to the realisation that our purpose as an education body is to “prepare children for a world that doesn’t yet exist” –we were taken aback by the starkness of our own language. Still, this has been true for any generation of school …

The future is creativity

How do we help children access that part of their brain The technological revolution is changing our world faster than anyone in our society can really understand, and within this mass shift there are a few statistics that really should be getting more attention in our education system. 20% of the jobs that exist now …

Subject Access Requests should we be scared?

The current data protection regime in Europe is the most rigorous in the world. Individuals have been granted greater control over their personal information than ever before. As expected, data subjects are now exercising their rights following awareness campaigns by the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO). Arguably, the greatest challenge for schools stems from the right …