
1:1 Device Ratio: A Fad or the Future?

The pandemic has significantly changed life and schools have had to adapt in the way they deliver teaching and learning. Discussions around having 1:1 devices have been around since long before the pandemic, as far back as the 1990s in some schools. With the number of manufacturers offering exceptional value on devices and the pandemic …

Improvement Through Governance

On a balmy evening in early September, I was scheduled to present my Governance Review report to a Governing Board who had invited me. I was unsure that the prospect of sitting in a Zoom meeting would triumph against enjoying the sunset during a surprising London mini-heatwave, but I was pleasantly surprised by the large …

COVID – What’s really happening in schools

Throughout the pandemic, the DfE has been collecting data on COVID infections in schools and sharing this with local authorities. This data is reported directly by schools via the Department for Education’s daily education settings survey. It is not the primary source of data on infection, incidence, and COVID-19 cases overall but it continues to …

The Importance of First Aid

The football world and many outside it were rocked recently when a 29 year old professional footballer (Christian Eriksen) collapsed on the pitch whilst suffering a cardiac arrest. It is hard enough to deal with a situation that requires first aid without having millions of people watching around the world and thousands watching in the …

What is Web Accessibility and Why Does it Matter?

Web accessibility is the practice of making sure a website can be accessed and used by as many people as possible. Having a lovely website that showcases your school is essential these days and you should feel confident that anyone can visit and enjoy your website regardless of visual, motor, auditory, or cognitive ability. These …

Remote Learning: An End to Snow Days?

The pandemic has seen a fundamental change in the way education has been delivered in the UK for the past year. Whilst some schools or education establishments have delivered lessons remotely for some time, the mainstream education system was all about face-to-face lessons, with ratios ranging anywhere from 1 to 1 up to 1 to …